Scratchy Bird is a Flappy Bird-type game with tradeoff upgrades every 5 pipes. These upgrades last until the game is refreshed, so it can get weird. 

I might come back with a way to not have to F5 to reset upgrades and balance the tradeoffs, as well as add more and randomization to them. 

Do whatever you want with this! Stream it, ANDREW! If you want to see under the hood or remix, see my Scratch page below!


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3 Things I learned while developing this game:

1. Maybe not *learned* per se, but dependent variables. As you play, you'll notice that the pipe speed and rate at which they spawn are a little janky, especially once you start getting upgrades. I have never utilized dependent variables in scratch, but I think linking them to an extent, or at least having pipe speed also affect spawn rate, would help.

2. Scratch has limits when it comes to creating in-engine art, and it's frustrating. I was unable to make pipe gap height even, which I think created some pipes being harder than others for no reason. I'm really not good at art, and I don't have experience creating art assets. If anyone reading this has good suggestions for where to start/good programs they like, please comment them below.

3. How to develop faster. I've gotten much faster with respect to making functional games as I get more familiar with scratch/coding logic through mini-projects/jams. I find starting from scratch to always be the hardest, because I enjoy squashing bugs and adding new features, but the start is always a bit slow. I have made several kinds of mini-games now, and I'm starting to see things in the games I play as well, like, "Oh, they broadcasted to update the global variable to do X Y and Z".